How to do Data-Driven Automation Testing by Selenium IDE without programming?

How to do Data-Driven Automation Testing by Selenium IDE without programming?


In this article, we will discuss how to use Selenium IDE to achieve data-driven automation testing In 3-step.

Testing Scenario

you have a website here:

There is sigin page. We would like to test the signin with all various kinds of ID/PWD which defined in XML or TEXT file.

How can we achieve it?

DirectPass Login


Step 1: installation of FireFox, Selenium IDE, “SelBlocks”

To install the selenium IDE, you will require FireFox browser.

Selenium IDE can be installed from here.

“Sel-blocks” can be downloaded here.

The add-on will provide the selenium IDE the capability to read XML and do data-driven testing.

Add-on screenshot #1

Step 2: Define Testing Data in XML

Prepare XML file. In this example, let’s named it “DP_Sign.xml”

There are five different accounts to be tested here. gmail1~gmail5.

<testdata><vars Account=”” Password=”12345678″/><vars Account=”” Password=”12345678″/><vars Account=”” Password=”12345678″/>

<vars Account=”” Password=”12345678″/>

<vars Account=”” Password=”12345678″/>


Step 3: Define Testing Data in XML


Input the following command in the Selenium IDE. Then, Once execution, selenium IDE will automate the input of various accouint/password defined in the XML file.

Selenium DataDriven



Once it’s executed, it will repeated do the testing with all the data defined in XML.

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